Classroom Blog


Thursday, July 29, 2010


yesterday i went to swmming. i don't go to a swmmig culb im in a training sqcad. anway. when i went my cocho seemed alot happyer then he is on tuesdayswy i tinke hes alot happyer well normaly he would et mad at us because he tels us for talking and there was 5 people there that night i think our sesson went alot better then the teuday one i had lernt lots more things then the tuseday i know that if you behave a bit more you get more things done

dancing exma

today the 30 of july i am going home at 12:40 at lunch because i have a dancing exam for jazz my exam is a 2:25 and we are in there for 1 hour i have been doing jazz for 2 year and hiphop for 4 years now and done four exam i have done two for hiphop and 2 for jazz. i cant wait

birthday party

Today i am going to my friends birthday party we are going to the movies to see Shrek Forever After and for diner we are going to Mc Donalds  and then we are going home to play games and  open up Alaynas  presents.I have a feeling it will be a very great day.

My friends Birthday party

Hi my name is Corilee and today is my friends birthday. I can't wait. First Emily and I are going back to my friends house to get ready to go to the Lido over in Palmerston North. We will probley be there for about 4 hours.Then we will be heading to Mc Donalds for tea YUMMY. It's going to be a massive day.

From Corilee

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my cute puppys

Hi my name is Brock and this is my story I'm the one who wrote about my puppys and I am writing about it again . Flossy was sold a couple of days ago i was crying when the people who bought it took it away. They have two kids and one adult. It cost 200$ for a puppy it was 400$ but no one was buying any so we put it to 300$ still no one bought any so we put it to 200$ then some people came and saw them and bought flossy and that is my story hope you like it THE END

Girl Guides

Hi , My name is Jasmine James . Every Thursday I go to Girl Guides and I know what your thinking , what do we do at Girl Guides ? Well I will tell you , we go swimming , we go camping , we do art , we bake cupcakes and all sorts of fun things. Sometimes we even play in the hall all day . Once the Girl Guides and I went to the Napier aquarium to stay the night it was awesome ! if you want to join , please call: 06 3234566. the end . 


Hi my is Jack. Yesterday I got the haunted mask book it is fun to read . My sister took it off me she forgot it was her book but she gave it back. The books author is R.l.Stine he writes all the Goosebumps and Goosebumps Horror land books .
Hi my name is Sky and today at lunch time i will be going over to room 13 to play with some knuckel bones and with some elasticks and this is one of the songs ice cream soda pave lover

today is going to be !Awesome!

Monday, July 26, 2010


In the holidays me and my family went for a long trip to wellington to go to the zoo and my dream job place called the weta shop. the weta shop deigns stuff for horror movies and cartoon movies they do scopchering, drawing, 3d computer drawing and costume making. its a musuem and at the end theres a movie what they do and what movies they make it was really cool weta shop was but we didn't go to the zoo cause it was raining so we went back home the end

School is cool.

This morning i got dressed and had brakfest and biked to my friends house and droped my bike off and walked to my other friends and walk with them to school. Then we did handwriting and wordstudy and wrote a book in our own words and talked about our speech. we have to do on in the future mine is on my dream job which is an airhosstess, thats my dream job. Then we wrote an agument should we have music in the class room i picked yes and then we are going to do maths.
In the holiday mum ,Madison,Jay,Wyatt and me went to Taupo for a week .We went to the hot pools on Wednesday . On the way up we went to the mountain it was Mt Rauapeau I almost fell off the side as it was really windy . I all so held a lion cub.


On saturday I shot my first possum. At first my dad saw one and he told me to shoot it but I wounded it. Then my dad shot it in the head, then we saw two close by so we snuck up behind them and I shot it in the guts. It didn't die but then I saw its head and I shot it in the eye then it died. My dad saw another one and he shot it in the back then the possum went mad and tried to attack him, it started to bite the barrel so he pulled the trigger and it then was dead.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mum's Birthday.

On Thursday the 22 of July i had school and after school my friend come over. we had some cake and a hot drink because it was my mum's birthday. We had cake because her birthday was on Wednesday so we had some cake, it was yum.

Going to the dairy

On Thursday the 21st of July i went to the dairy with my best friend Alayna.On the way we waved to lots of people and they waved back soon we got there i got a zombie chew and five T&Ts and my friend Alayna got an ice-cream and three T&Ts. we paid the man all together it was $2.20 on the way home we were singing and telling jokes i did a realy good one it was why did ET come to Earth becausethe All blacks were saying come ET.Then we went homeand ate our lollies.


Last Sunday I was at my Aunty's House then my cousin rang my phone and asked me if i wanted to go with them to ride the motorbikes I said yes so they came and picked me up at about 10.30 and we left to go to the park. Well my uncle was geting the bikes ready we where puting our helmets on and deciding wot bikes where were going to ride there are 2 mini quads and 3 two wheelers. I went on one of the mini quads first because it was my VERY first time on a motorbike it was really good fun. I was goin Really FULL SPEED then i changed to go on the two wheeler. We got really Muddy. And then they droped me back off to my auntys

From Corilee in room14 =]

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My birthday

Hi my name is Sky and on friday next week I will be turning 10 years old.I can have 3 people come over to my birthday party.Also my cake will look like me it will be made by my mums sister it will be easy to make. Also My nan from napiar will be coming to my birthday to with heaps of toys for me to play with all day and night. It will be the best time ever it will be !AWESOME!

my dogs puppys

Hi my name is Brock and my story is about my puppy. I only have four now cause my mum took five to the s.p.c.a. My mum went to Australia because it will cost a lot of money for nine puppys so we keeped the four puppys we liked they were could flossy jake grunter fatty grunter has big as ears for a puppy my sister and me take jake for a walk around the block or to the dairy and when jaco comes to my house we walk flossy all the way to his house and we showed his mum and she said that puppy is cute and she said that puppy is to little to walk that far cause i live by the high school and jaco lives by Lytton street school and that is my story the end 

Swimming at the Pools

Hi my name Jasmine and my story is about the time I went swimming for the first time in long long time . My class and another class went with me . This was on Wednesday by the way and I swam in the Makino pools in Feilding in the big pool on the inside and guess what ,I swam at one side to the other doing free-stile without stopping and I never forgot that day when I got into the lengths ! That was my happyist day in my life and I mean that .It was happyer than any Birthday Party or any Chistmas I had . This is the end of my story , I hope you liked my story ! ByeBye!

yesterday when i got home i went to my room which had a new tv and my sister ran in and sat on my bed. she took my remote off me and i saw a tag on the floor it was from my uncle in Aussie.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

water crystals

Did you  know  water crystals start off as little dots and turn into big ones. I think they turn into    crystals but it says on the packet that you have to put then into plants and it help them grow. if a plant dye you can put then into the plant and it will stay alive. The END.


Today Room 14 are going to the swimming pool. We are going for 8 times this term.We take turns sitting in the front and back of the bus. Room 12 is going to there to, Today and every Wednesday we will go swimming.

water crystals

Did you know water crystals start off as little dots and turn into big ones. I think they turn into crystals but it says on the packet that you have to put them into plants and it help them to grow. If a plant dye you can put them into the plants and it will stay alive. The End.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hello from Mr Roberts, I do hope you are all enjoying the holidays? I look forward to seeing you all again next week. Good on Spain for winning the World Cup and to Andrew for picking up the 1000 team/class points. Well done.